The Bible's Female Preacher

Carefully crafted, ingeniously written, Better Off Born Dead blows the doors off of the Vatican. With his common- sense approach to decoding the language of the ancient texts, Braggs’s doesn’t rewrite history: he uncovers it. Using his knowledge of grammar, Braggs’s points out where ancient scholars went wrong and reveals to his readers the diary of the greatest preacher of the Old Testament, Princess Tamar of David. That’s right, the diary of a Female Preacher.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Xulon Book Page

Better Off Born Dead: The Christian Compliancy Theory
A Woman's Biblical Diary Deliberately Concealed in the Holy Bible
By Floyd D. Braggs (Author)

Editions: ISBN: Price: Buy Now:
Paperback 1594679150 $13.99 Add To Cart

Book Summary

Better Off Born Dead is the first of three books that will illustrate the positive leadership roles of Jewish women excluded from the Christian Bible. These leadership roles are found in the Hebrew texts, but they have been deliberately excluded from the King James (and other translations) because of their female gender.

By simply applying the rules of grammar and rejecting myths and legends, the reader discovers clearly identifiable women authors who are champions over adversity as well as true spiritual leaders. Their stories are told in startling clarity, turning muddled translations of some Bible chapters into crisp and engaging truths that are as applicable today as they were three thousand years ago.

This book is a defense of the deleted diary of Princess Tamar of David, the Qoheleth of Jerusalem. This Christian apologetic text is a reasoned argument that reveals the greatest female preacher in the Old Testament.

Author Profile

The Director II of Administrative Services for a school district of thirty-five thousand students, Mr. Braggs attended the University of Redlands, earning his bachelor’s and master’s degrees. For twenty-eight years, Braggs has held several positions demanding language expertise. Credentialed in English, physical education, and pupil personnel services, he has held the administrative positions of dean, assistant principal, and high school principal.

Mr. Braggs became a licensed and ordained minister in 2002 and began to study the structure and grammar of both Hebrew and Greek. He soon discovered that some Bible sections did not follow the established rules of grammar. Subsequently, he learned that many early translators, discovering the same,were put to death or persecuted by the Catholic church.

Mr. Braggs hopes to avoid this fate because he has been married for twentyone years. Blessed with five wonderful children, he and his wife wish to see them all grow old.


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