The Bible's Female Preacher

Carefully crafted, ingeniously written, Better Off Born Dead blows the doors off of the Vatican. With his common- sense approach to decoding the language of the ancient texts, Braggs’s doesn’t rewrite history: he uncovers it. Using his knowledge of grammar, Braggs’s points out where ancient scholars went wrong and reveals to his readers the diary of the greatest preacher of the Old Testament, Princess Tamar of David. That’s right, the diary of a Female Preacher.

Friday, January 28, 2005

Is there a female preacher hidden in the Bible?

In his new book, Better Off Born Dead, Floyd Braggs claims to have discovered a female preacher hidden in the Books of Ecclesiastes. Mr. Braggs provides extensive documentation from the Bible itself and from traditional research. The book appears to be complete and claims to non-fiction.
It appears that , according to Braggs, that the Bible's translators ignored the rules of Hebrew grammar when translating Ecclesiastes. Is it possible that the translators lied?
A summary of this book can be found at go to bookstore, Better Off Born Dead or .
Xulon press is a Christian publisher.


At 10:38 AM, Blogger kahon76 said...

Here is a direct link to this book: www.


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